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How Brazilian Jiujitsu academy in Morris Plains NJ made My back better and boost my weight loss
lots of people get blown out of Martial Arts due to injuries, at 51 years of age with 12 years on the sport of bjj and a purple belt that I love wearing, I can tell you, I have gone through few schools, and most guys that started with me in their 30s and 40s, now are injured, and out of commission, Its not because they were lukewarm, or not careful, I believe was much because of the Academy’s students ego. And realistically speaking, my friends were part of that ego, where all want to submit quick and forget about the technical part of Brazilian jiujitsu. Looming that many of you are going through the same experiences, I decided to write this on my Jersey blog.
Like any Martial Arts, jiujitsu has its fare share of injuries, inflicted on our bodies due to the high impact pressure when someone is on the floor. Nonetheless, all this can be avoided in my view if responsible schools teach students what once an old man ‘teacher/sensei taught me in the sport: (position before submission).
Technique is King
In my more than a decade practicing jiujitsu and understanding the sport at last. I came to the conclusion that my injuries have been inflicted on schools where no one care about teaching students when to tap or proper technique learning, and, the main purpose of rolling is not a fight against egos, but a fight with your own limitations, and made those limitations to go away gradually.
I remember at blue belt I was still swept away constantly by brown belts many times and, I hated it, and happened a lot till I held my own, bit the bullet and stay intent. The magic happened when I begun removing those encumbrances and circumvent THE strength and power STRATEGY. Instead of fighting technique I desired to learn it right and make it part of my arsenal so I could play a better game.
Parsippany BJJ Academy
When I started training at Parsippany BJJ, I felt compelled to tell the instructor I was on pure strength and power, that my pressure was great but technique poor.
The instructors started working on my weak points, Matt and Don, are geniuses, both teamed up and helped me correct flaws, they taught me how to roll safe, I have to mention I came recovering from a fracture I had on my clavicle, that inhibited a full movement on my right side, and that was due to a careless Instructor in school near by.
My endurance when up after a while, technique was better, I could last longer while rolling out, I lost weight, my weak back became stronger, from the core strength I got with these guys and overall feel more fluid, lighter and at total beast mode at 51!
Matt and Don listened to my needs and were super candid about the situation. 5 years later and much of learning from these guys.. I have to say that my experience as an older jiujitsu practitioner at Parsippany BJJ, has been life changing and I thank the universe for making the call… If you are someone over 30 years of age who is looking to start BJJ call Don the director and owner of academy for a free class: 973-216-9662
Check our last article on leptin hormone and weigh loss here